Author: Arch Enterprises
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How does your medical x-ray film recycling work?
How does your medical x-ray film recycling work? Do I have to send in my x-rays? – Sara in Memphis, TN
How much is the silver from developing negatives in printing worth refined?
I have 7.7 silver from developing negatives in printing, how much would this bring if I took it to refine? – Trisha in Pittsburg, KS
Is it worth recycling 160 pounds of old negatives?
We are clearing out our office and realized we still have about 160 pounds worth of old negatives from our monthly publication. Wonder if these are worth recycling? – Dixie in Berkeley, CA
How much would 33 quarters and 39 half dollars be worth refined?
I have quite a few silver coins: 33 quarters and 39 half dollars. I’ve been watching silver prices and thought now would be a good time to sell these. How much are these silver coins worth refined? – Terri in Carrollton, Texas
Is there an easy way to determine if my gold necklace is real gold or gold plated?
There are many plating materials out there that make an item look like gold or silver. If you are questioning what type of metal you have there are a few things that may help determine if your item is solid and “real” without damaging the item.