Category Archives: Dental
Dental metals.
Dental Scrap
Written on December 6, 2018, by Arch Enterprises, Inc.
How Much Gold Are In Gold Teeth & Bridges?
Written on January 30, 2015, by Arch Enterprises
Q: What can I do with gold teeth and bridges? How much gold is in these items? – From Lily in Houston, TX
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A: Thank you for your inquiry. Determining the value of gold teeth and bridges can be very challenging because dental gold is often alloyed with many different metals. Over the years, we have received dental gold that ranged from 5 to 15 karats. Since the grade of the gold significantly affects the value of the items, we often have to run the items through testing equipment to determine the precious metal content percentages. It can also be difficult to determine the exact weight of items as they often have parts of the tooth and other dental material still attached to them. Due to these factors and the more challenging refining process associated with dental gold, we usually pay between 80-85% on the fine gold content depending on the amount one sends in to be refined. For smaller shipments the payout percentage may not be as high.
If you have 1.5 ounces or more of dental scrap and would like to send in what you have, we will email you the results of the value and content of gold before processing. Then, with customers consent, we will process and send you your payment.
Thank you for your question. We hope that you will consider Arch for refining your dental scrap.
* Blog estimates are given on a case by case basis and are not Arch’s final settlement price. Any prices or estimates in blog articles are based on the precious metal prices at the time of the post and can change on a daily basis as the price of precious metals change.
* Read our disclaimer
Gold Teeth & Dental Crowns Value
Written on April 12, 2013, by Arch Enterprises
I have two dental crowns, two gold molars made of mixed metal, according to my dentist. He said metal refiners buy such things and break them down into their separate metals. Do you do that? Thanks from Brett in Milwaukee, WI.
Hi Brett,
Yes! As a precious metal refiner we have the capabilities to recover gold from the dental items you have described. Since dental gold is not hallmarked like gold jewelry (14k, 18k etc), you need to make sure that your buyer has the ability to find the exact purity of your items, as dental gold can really vary in purity. We have seen dental gold to be as high as 85% gold, while other times it can be as low as 15%. However, most of the dental gold we see is about 12k, which is 66.66% gold. We run tests with an XRF analytical machine to determine how much gold is available to refine. An at home gold kit may not suffice to give accurate results for the purity of dental gold.
Our next-step advice for you is to make sure that your items are as separated from other non-precious metals and materials and you can get them, then weight on a postal scale. You can refer to our payout schedule for gold, but note that these percentages are based on the actual gold content (not the total weight of your items).
You can refer to our Dental Gold category for more posts about refining dental gold. Thanks for your question Brett!
*Images displayed are only a representation of the items described in this blog post and may not be true images of the items in question.
Sell Dental Gold to Dental Refiners
Written on December 30, 2011, by Arch Enterprises
I have .52576 oz Yellow Dental Gold And .73968 oz of Hi Noble Dental Gold. How much can I receive for this material? –From a dentist in Chicago, Illinois.
Thank you for your question. Because dental gold is usually not marked, it can be difficult to determine the gold purity without the right testing equipment. That is why selling this type of gold at a pawn shop or gold party may not yield the highest or more accurate returns.
Most dental gold is 16k gold which is 66.66% gold. However, we find dental gold to be as high as 85% gold while other dental gold items have been as low as 15%. We run tests with an XRF analytical machine to determine how much gold is available to refine.
With the amount of dental gold you have, we would estimate that we could offer about 85% of the gold value back to you. As the price of gold changes daily, we use the price of the day that your shipment arrives at our facility.
Find all of our blog postings about selling dental gold on our dental refining category.
*Images displayed are only a representation of the items described in this blog post and may not be true images of the items in question.
We will see you in 2012 and be here answering more questions about your precious metal items. Don’t hesitate to ask us about your gold and silver and request an estimate!